August 09, 2021

10 Tips for Designing an Engaging Newsletter for IT Pros

Table of Contents:

  1. Create an easy-to-read format.
  2. Deliver a strong user experience.
  3. Ensure your brand is easily recognizable.
  4. Highlight your credibility.
  5. Clarify required actions.
  6. Be creative and memorable.
  7. Include interactivity.
  8. Make sharing simple.
  9. Provide opportunities for feedback.
  10. Focus on providing value.


What motivates you to open and read an email? Is it the snappy subject line? Maybe the timing is just right? Although there are many factors that can influence your decision to engage with an email, one of the most compelling elements of an email is its design. HubSpot states that “great email design is so important — it'll help you capture the attention of, and engage, your email recipients.” A well-designed email newsletter will not only get noticed but will also encourage your audience to read it in its entirety and have a better chance of inspiring a response.


When your audience is a group of discerning IT professionals, perfecting your email newsletter design becomes even more important. Even though 8 out of 10 prospects prefer to be contacted by sales and marketing reps via email (HubSpot), getting them to actually read and engage with your email newsletter can be a challenge. In fact, email marketing benchmarks from Campaign Monitor indicate that the IT/Tech industries experience double the average unsubscribe rate.

To help you impress your IT audience, we’ve compiled 10 tips for creating a captivating newsletter design.

What IT Pros Want

Newsletter Design Tips

1. Create an easy-to-read format.

IT buyers are busy. To appeal to tech buyers who have limited time, content should be easy to scan.

  • Organize content in a hierarchical way to help guide your reader through the email.
  • Build a clear structure using images, headers, sub-headers, and other graphical elements.
  • Keep the text short or use a table of contents and bullet points if you have a lot of information.

2. Deliver a strong user experience.

Tech professionals in particular want to be impressed by a great user experience.

  • Use a responsive design to ensure your newsletter format will fit the screen it's being viewed in – desktop, laptop, mobile.
  • Use web-safe fonts to keep display consistent across various web browsers and email clients.

3. Ensure your brand is easily recognizable.

IT buyers are loyal and likely to respond to an email from a brand they recognize.

  • Use colours, fonts, logos, and tones that are in line with your brand guidelines.
  • Keep a consistent look to your newsletter so it will become familiar to the recipient over time.

4. Highlight your credibility.

Working with trusted partners is important for IT professionals who want to build long-term relationships.

  • Establish professionalism by sending the email from your email address (vs. a generic ‘no-reply' address).
  • Design a great email signature that includes memorable details about you, your role, and your company. (HubSpot)

5. Clarify required actions.

Content that is direct and gets to the point also appeals to the busy IT buyer.

  • Feature CTAs prominently and in several locations in your newsletter.
  • Use clear language and design so that the recipient knows exactly what response is required (i.e., “Click here to download eBook” or “Obtain free trial”).

6. Be creative and memorable.

IT buyers read a lot of content along their purchase journey and will pay attention to brands that are different and show their personalities.

  • Replace text with high-quality images or videos that are consistent with your brand and support the topics you’re discussing.
  • Include different types of imagery such as animation, infographics, or photos/illustrations.

7. Include interactivity.

Interactive content is more engaging than passive content and “has more power to convert IT buyers”. (LinkedIn)

  • Create a more personalized experience for the recipient by including interactivity.
  • Add interactive elements such as marketing games, quizzes, calculators, or solution builders.

8. Make sharing simple.

Since tech products are typically bought by a buying committee, content is often shared between the decision-makers.

  • Add social media share buttons to your newsletter to enable recipients to easily share your newsletter with their connections and networks.

9. Provide opportunities for feedback.

IT pros enjoy “genuine conversations” with technology experts where they can share their thoughts and opinions. (LinkedIn)

  • Ask your recipients what kind of content they want to see in your newsletter.
  • Incorporate relevant suggestions to increase future engagement.

10. Focus on providing value.

Ultimately, IT buyers want to discover content that provides value and helps them solve a problem.

  • Design your newsletter so that your content is the star.
  • Showcase your valuable insights and unique product/service offerings.


Want to find out more about Email Marketing? Read the blog, “How to Optimize Email Marketing for Your IT Audience.”

GamePlan Marketing is a Full-Service Creative & Digital Agency located in the Oakville, Greater Toronto Area in Canada. We Specialize in Digital Marketing for B2B Technology Companies.

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