November 23, 2022

Why is my email campaign click through rate so low?


Email marketing is important as it provides the opportunity for you to regularly communicate and stay in touch with your customers and leads. You can create personalized content, generate traffic to your site, increase leads, collect feedback, and improve sales. It’s also integral to track the performance of your email campaigns to ensure you can optimize and strategize your campaigns for better performance and ensure you’re sending emails that your audience wants to read.

Analytics and metrics you should be tracking include open rate, click rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, spam complaints, and conversion rate. If you've been wondering "why is my email campaign click through rate so low?" then you've come to the right place. Read on to learn how you can get started on improving your email analytics, with a list we've pulled together of ways you can improve your email click rate.

5-Second Summary

  • The average Click-through rate (CTR) for the IT industry is 2.0%. If your emails are underperforming in comparison to your competitors, there are several ways you can improve your CTR.

  • Some ways you can improve your CTR are writing concise email copy, choosing relevant imagery, mobile optimizing your email, using applicable CTAs, and providing targeted offers to a segmented list.


Before we get into how to improve your email click rates, let’s discuss what the numbers mean. An email click rate is defined as “a percentage that tells you how many successfully delivered campaigns registered at least one click” (Mailchimp). It’s calculated by dividing the number of recipients who click divided by the number of emails delivered (which are emails sent minus those that have bounced). In 2022, the average click rate for the IT/Tech/Software industry is 2.0%:

2022 Campaign Monitor Email Benchmarks

Image Source: Campaign Monitor 2022

If your emails are underperforming, or you’re not exceeding the industry average, check out some simple ways you can improve your email click rate:

Keep your email copy succinct, clear, and relevant

Keep your email copy succinct, clear, and relevant
If your email has a targeted offer, make sure your email recipients can easily access and click on it by keeping your email copy succinct and interesting. Do so by writing engaging copy and only include pertinent information. Ditch the “fluff” words and phrases since it can make your email harder to understand.
Choose relevant imagery

Choose relevant imagery
Make sure your images align with your brand but limit the amount, so it doesn’t distract from the Call to Action (CTA). At the very least, include an image in your banner that entices the recipient to keep reading. Use relevant images and link the image to provide another opportunity for readers to click.

Ensure your email is mobile optimized

Ensure your email is mobile optimized
HubSpot’s Marketing Trends Report says that 50% of emails are opened on mobile devices. To ensure your emails are mobile optimized and recipients can click on your CTAs, use easy to read text, clear images with reduced file sizes, use a simple layout, and use mobile-friendly CTA buttons and links.

Use single and applicable CTAs

Use single and applicable CTAs
Having your recipients focus on one path will make them more likely to click. Emails with single CTA’s “receive 371% more clicks compared to those with multiple CTAs” (WordStream). Button-based CTAs also improve click rates by 127% but be sure to hyperlink relevant copy to provide another opportunity for recipients to click.

Segment your email lists and provide targeted offers

Segment your email lists & provide targeted offers
To avoid sending irrelevant content, segment your lists and tailor your emails to those specific audiences. This practice results in 50% more clicks than sending the same email to your whole list (HubSpot). Include targeted offers that speak to your recipients' needs, which will most likely lead to more clicks. According to HubSpot, this results in "25% more sales leads and 24% greater revenue."

After you have successfully improved your email click rate, make sure to look at your email open rates and take any necessary steps to improve those, as well. As you continue to improve your email marketing analytics and metrics, you’ll be running your campaigns at their optimum potential!

Get started with our Email Marketing Packages.