TD SYNNEX Educates IBM Partners
TD SYNNEX, a Canadian IBM Distributor. www.tdsynnex.com
- 4 Weeks Design & Development
- 4 Weeks Printing & Shipping
- 8 Weeks in-Market

Campaign Overview
TD SYNNEX engaged GamePlan Marketing to help educate IBM Business Partners on the Linux on IBM POWER Systems portfolio. TD SYNNEX Strategic Business Manager for IBM Canada, Janice Hoskins, says, "GamePlan Marketing helped us build an interactive quiz campaign that educates our Business Partners in a fun, interactive fashion." The campaign consisted of multiple elements, including:Campaign Strategy: Worked closely with the TD SYNNEX team to come up with a creative, engaging way to educate TD SYNNEX’s customers about IBM’s Linux on POWER Systems.
Postcard & Email: An eye-catching postcard, envelope, sticker and email were delivered to Canadian TD SYNNEX partners, enticing them to take the quiz to earn branded merchandise.
Interactive Quiz: TD SYNNEX's Solutions Consultant wrote quiz questions, answers, and feedback. GamePlan’s creative team designed and customized the interactive online quiz.
Landing Page: GamePlan also wrote copy and designed and developed a responsive landing page to introduce customers into the quiz.
Cool Down & POWER Up Kit: As a reward for completing the quiz with a score of 60% or higher, participants were offered a giveaway: a branded cooler backpack and beach towel.
Determining a suitable giveaway and quiz title is not easy work. Tracy Robertson, GamePlan Marketing Managing Partner explains, “We always strive for the highest quality campaigns that will drive interest and engagement across the board. As a result, we tend to provide several iterations, which is a process full of research, ideation and presentations.” When both teams are 100% satisfied and excited about the options, giveaway samples are ordered and creative development begins.
Quizzes are an excellent marketing option because they are so versatile; when done right, they can be used to educate and engage practically any audience around any topic.
According to Creative Manager, Jacqueline Fedory, “Quizzes have proven to be a fun, entertaining way to educate IT contacts with valuable information in an engaging and creative manner.”
Having run two previous campaigns similar to this one, Janice reported that the uptake gets better every time. The quiz campaign was such a hit with TD SYNNEX customers, that one partner has hired GamePlan to customize and reuse the quiz concept.
Janice explains, “We have been utilizing quiz campaigns as a means to educate business partner reps about IBM solutions, and now our partners are using quiz campaigns to educate their end users.”