Thought Leadership Content

Empower your sales and marketing efforts with white papers that establish your authority as a thought leader in the IT industry. White papers are high-value thought leadership content that your technology company can use to attract high-quality leads. 

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Support every stage of your sales funnel

White papers are useful for several strategic reasons, each contributing to your company's growth, market positioning, online presence, and customer engagement. Use this thought leadership content at different stages of the sales funnel to educate and nurture leads, and move them closer to making a purchase decision.


Generate Leads and Prospects

Offering valuable, in-depth content can attract new leads. Prospects who download white papers are often looking for solutions and may be more likely to convert into customers.

Empower Your Sales Teams

Your sales teams can use white papers as tools to educate prospects, address objections, and provide in-depth information that supports the sales process.

Educate Customers

White papers can also serve as educational resources for existing customers, helping them to get the most out of the company’s products and services.


How to write a white paper or technical ebook?

Writing a technology white paper involves a strategic blend of research, planning, and clear communication. Our content creation process begins with gaining a deep understanding of the target audience and the specific IT problem or topic that the content aims to address. Here is an overview of our process to create thought leadership content in the form of a white paper or technical ebook:


Discovery  1. Discovery

We start by interviewing your subject matter expert to understand your goals, target audience, and key messages. During the interview, we employ a mix of open-ended and specific questions to cover the topic comprehensively. This ensures we have extracted your deep insights and technical expertise.


Research Planning  2. Research & Planning

Our team conducts thorough research, gathers data from reliable sources, and outlines the structure of your white paper. During this stage we also gain a deeper understanding on the impact that your product features or IT solution has on addressing specific business challenges.


Content Development  3. Content Development

We write a clear and concise white paper, with informative content tailored to your company perspective. A typical structure includes an introduction that outlines the problem, a body that delves into the details and analysis, and a conclusion that highlights your IT solutions.


Review Revision4. Review & Revision

Our writers conduct multiple rounds of editing. Each round includes checking for grammatical accuracy, consistency in terminology, and adherence to your standards and objectives. We collaborate with your marketing teams and subject matter experts during this phase to refine the written content, making revisions that enhance the overall quality of the white paper.


Design  5. Design & Delivery

Our designers create a layout that is both visually appealing and easy to navigate, also incorporating IT imagery and illustrations to highlight your points. Once your writing has been enhanced with professional design, we deliver a polished final white paper in PDF format that is ready for distribution in your marketing campaign. 

Technical eBook for Converge Technologies
eBook development for Evolving Solutions
TELUS White Paper on Cloud Security



The projects were delivered to aggressive timelines and despite having to juggle many SMEs, [GamePlan Marketing] were able to create a clear, consistent voice in the document.





A Case Study

Evolving Solutions is a technology solutions provider that helps clients modernize and automate their mission-critical applications and infrastructure to support business transformation.

GamePlan Marketing developed eBooks for Evolving Solutions, and was also responsible for digital marketing strategies targeting business leaders and IT professionals via LinkedIn ads.

Read the full case study >


Thought Leadership Content FAQs


What is thought leadership content?

Thought leadership content can come in many different types of formats, but white papers and ebooks are some of the most effective. Thought leadership content allows organizations to share insights, expertise, and forward-thinking ideas on industry-related topics to establish themselves as leaders in their field. The primary goal for thought leadership content is to influence others, inspire innovation, and provide valuable perspectives that distinguish the author as an authority on the subject.

What is a thought leadership content example?

If you are an IT company with expertise in Cyberstorage, you may want to release a white paper that highlights the risk of cyberattacks on enterprise organizations, and the benefits of having a data recovery solution in place.



How do you use thought leadership content in your content marketing strategy?

After developing thought leadership content such as a white paper, it should be strategically promoted across your company’s website, social media platforms, industry publications, and email newsletters to maximize reach and engagement. The white paper can be gated behind a form on a landing page, but promoted far and wide with snippets or callouts from the content offer.

By integrating thought leadership content into your content marketing strategy, you can establish your brand as an authority in your field, build trust with your audience, and drive engagement and loyalty.

Far far away, far away behind the word mountains

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

Far far away, far away behind the word mountains

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

Boost your brand with thought leadership content

Support business growth, client relationships and market positioning by investing in the creation of high-quality white papers. Your content marketing strategy will thank you.

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